Friday, September 1, 2023

Interactive Objects

Light switches in Gillette Castle.
Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

General classes of objects with which PCs might interact, and the actions PCs might take to interact with the objects.  Inspired by:

1.  button (push to activate, push again to de-activate)

2.  switch (flip up or down)

3.  lever (push forward, pull backward)

4.  dial (turn to particular number)

5.  pull string/chain/rope (pull to turn on, pull again to turn off)

6.  valve/faucet/spigot (turn clockwise or counterclockwise)

7.  knob (push or pull)

8.  lid (lift to open or shut to close; twist to open or close)

9.  crank (turn clockwise or counterclockwise)

10.  pocket (on a garment, etc.) (look inside, or not)

11.  drawer (pull open, push close)

12.  door (pull or push)

13.  pressure plate (step on to activate, step again to de-activate)

14.  cork/stopper (remove or insert)

15.  screw (turn the screw, or not)

16.  plug and socket (plug or unplug it)

17.  plug in a drain (plug or unplug it)

18.  pump (like on a water well, or on some shampoo bottles) (pump it, or not)

19.  wires (cut them, or not)

20.  wire ends (connect them, or not)

21.  trip wire (break it, or not)

22.  beam of light (interrupt the beam, or not)

23.  steering wheel, ship's wheel, etc. (turn clockwise or counterclockwise)

24.  curtain (pull it back, or close it, or not)

25.  ladder/stairs (ascend/descend, or not)

26.  flag (unfurl/wave it, or not)

27.  chair/throne/etc. (sit in it, or not)

28.  turn key (twist clockwise or counterclockwise)

29.  veil (lift or not)

30.  window shutters/shade/blinds (open or close)

31.  skin/covering (peel or not)

32.  torch/lantern/stove/forge/campfire (light or not light or exgtinguish)

33.  bridge (cross or not cross)

34.  doorway/archway/portal (pass through, or not)

35.  dice (roll them, or not)

36.  game pieces (chess, etc.) (move them, or not)

37.  playing cards (face down--turn it over, or not; hand of cards--look at them, or not)

38.  spinner (like on a board game) (spin it, or not)

39.  musical instrument (horn, harp, pipes, etc.) (play it, or not)

40.  song/poem/piece of music/theatrical play (perform it, or not)

41.  food/liquid/potion (eat it, or not; drink it, or not)

42.  scroll/runes/writing (read it, or not)

43.  mirror/painting/crystal ball (look into it, or not)

44.  fog/mist/etc. (step into it, or not)

45.  gift/present (open it, or not)

46.  crate/barrel/box/etc. (open it, or not)

47.  instructions telling you how to do something (do it, or not)

48.  weird object (touch it, or not; lift it, or not)

49.  vapor (sniff it, or not)

50.  dead carcass (cut it open to scavenge it, or not)

51.  knot / bow(on a present) (untie it, or not)

52.  zipper (open or close it)

53.  button or snap (like on a shirt) (open or close it)

54.  armor/clothing/hat/shoes/belt/etc. (put it on, or not)

55.  weapon (pick it up or wield it, or not)

56.  roll (of paper/cloth, etc.) (unfurl it, or not)

57.  spritzer/spray bottle/etc. (spray it, or not)

58.  puzzle pieces (put them together, or not; take them apart, or not)

59.  hole (reach into it, or not)

60.  wall/fence/cliff (climb it, or not; tunnel under it, or not)

61.  stream/river (attempt to cross it, or not) (wade,swim,make raft, etc.)

62.  chute/slide (jump into it and see where it goes, or not)

63.  privacy/dressing screen (in a bedroom) (look behind it, or not)

64.  smoking pipe (smoke it, or not)

65.  glasses/goggles/etc. (look through them, or not)

66.  weak/damaged/fragile item (weak bridge/floor/bottle/etc.) (risk breaking it, or not)

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